Pre-Sale Costs

These costs should be well known to growers - broker charges, testing fees, taxes & levies etc. so we will simply summarise them as they typically appear on the growers account sale:

Broker Charges - This was a 'straight' line, sold by a 'flat rate' broker (no commission), no rehandling, wool packs etc.  The lot was sold within the brokers 'free storage period'. So the direct broker charges were 26.32 greasy c/kg

Core Test Certificate

AWTA Testing fees - There were no additional fees for testing other than an AWTA "fast' test - the total testing costs for laser scan, and length & strength was 18.14 greasy c/kg.

Taxes & Levies - these costs included AWEX & AWH 'service and selling' fees, wool levies, etc. equating to 24.60 greasy c/kg.

© Symbotic Pty Ltd 2014