
EDI Bale Weights

In formulating a position on declaring bale weight tolerances in the pre-sale auction catalogue it is noted that:

  1. Bale weights are not certified?
  2. Most brokers do not collect bale data from AWTA, most record the bale numbers and weights, and transmit this data to AWTA. 

Bale Weights

Pre-sale access to under & overweight bale data has again been raised as an issue at various levels. The most recent EDI committee meeting discussed options for declaring the bale weights in electronic catalogues.

Sample Rebates

Why have you not shown the sample proceeds in the cost analysis? Previously this was rebated back to the grower and now just goes back into the brokers revenue! The sale of growers samples is now the largest 'clip' sold at auction - buyer Melbourne

The sample 'rebate' is not really a cost! Yet it is agreed that it is 'lost' growers income.

For eample, in our example fleece lot the sample was 6kg, 'valued' at 1200 c/kg. Therefore the 'value' of the sample is $72. …

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